Dealing With Joint And Muscle Pain? Natural Ways To Relieve The Pain

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If joint and muscle pain is preventing you from enjoying life, it's time to take action. If you're avoiding treatment because you want to avoid prescription medications or because you want to take a natural approach, help is available. You might not realise this, but there are natural ways to relieve joint and muscle pain. One of the benefits of taking a natural approach to joint and muscle pain is that these treatment options work well with traditional treatment should that avenue become necessary. 

Visit a Holistic Practitioner

If you're ready to take a natural approach to your joint and muscle pain, the first thing you need to do is visit a holistic practitioner. There are many benefits to starting your treatment options with a holistic practitioner. First, they can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your pain relief treatment. Second, they can provide pain relief options such as chiropractic care, physiotherapy and other non-invasive methods. 

Give Your Muscles a Soak

Once you've started your treatment plan with a holistic practitioner, you'll want some methods that you can use at home, on your own. One effective pain relief method is to give your muscles a soak. However, you don't want to go with plain water. Instead, you want to add about two cups of Epsom salts to your warm bathwater. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to your water for added relief. Some of the best essential oils for joint and muscle pain include lavender, evening primrose and eucalyptus. 

Boost Your Collagen Levels

If you haven't taken steps to boost your collagen levels, now's the time to do that. Not sure what collagen does? It's the glue that holds your muscles, joints and skin together. When your collagen levels are low, you can experience an increase in joint and muscle pain. You can actually increase your collagen levels by adding collagen-rich foods to your daily diet. Some of those foods include chicken, fish and beef. If you'd prefer, you can increase your collagen levels by adding a dietary supplement to your daily routine. 

Switch Between Hot and Cold

Finally, if you need a simple way to alleviate occasional joint and muscle pain, it's time to change the temperature. Many people typically use either hot or cold compresses to relieve joint and muscle pain. However, a better approach is to switch between the two temperatures. Start by applying hot compresses to the affected area. After about fifteen minutes, switch to cold compresses. Repeat this process several times a day, as needed. 

Contact a local medical professional to learn more about pain relief treatment.
