Types of Natural Bandages for Eco-Friendly Families

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There are several reasons you may have chosen an eco-friendly lifestyle for you and your family. When you do this, you may be trying to reduce waste and trying to leave a smaller carbon footprint. The first options tend to be alternatives to cleaning products and plastic products. One of the items you may not consider are you or bandages. If you are trying to make your health and wellness items eco-friendly, here are a few types of natural bandages to consider.

Bamboo Bandages

Bamboo is considered one of the more sustainable forms of eco-friendly products on the market. The material can be used for everything from flooring to fencing and even for bandages. Bamboo is a plant rather than a tree, which is a common misconception. The plant fibres are strong and durable and can hold over and protect a wound easily. Once used, the bamboo can then be thrown into a compost pile. If you are looking for a new eco-friendly and fully zero waste option for your natural bandage, then look for bamboo bandages that are also compostable. This means that the adhesive, as well as the bamboo used for the banded, are both eco-friendly.

Honey Bandages

When you think of honey you may not think of it as a suitable option for a natural bandage. However, several companies have come out with manuka honey bandages. These bandages are medical grade and made with manuka honey which can help in the healing process of a wound. The bandages are saturated with a layer of the honey. They also helped create a low PH environment which helps with tissue formation over wounds such as cuts and abrasions. These are considered a natural method and non-toxic.

Biodegradable Bandages

Several earth-based health and wellness companies are coming out with natural compostable bandages. These bandages are made from natural options that may include bamboo but also can include cotton and other natural sources. The compostable biodegradable bandages allow you to use the bandage as needed and then placed into a compost pile without concern of contaminating the compost or damaging the environment. Many of these bandages also come in biodegradable containers that can also be composted or will biodegrade naturally in the landfills.

These are just a few of the natural banded options you have available to you. Keep in mind that some of these options may not be compostable. If you are looking for specifically biodegradable are compostable options that are also natural make sure that the packaging contains the words compostable and biodegradable. This will ensure that not only are you using a natural product, but that product naturally biodegrades. This will give you a fully eco-friendly option. 
